Today, 5th December was designated as International Volunteer Day by the United Nation in 1985 to celebrate the contribution of volunteers. As a part of the community of civil society organizations (CSO), SONTA Foundation wants to thank all the volunteers. We wish you health and a strong mind to keep spreading positive values that we all pursue.
As one of the pillars of CSO, volunteers make the world better with every job they take. 970 millions volunteers handle the works of 125 millions full-time officers. Regarding the material benefit, this workload values at about a trillion USD.
Even amid pandemic COVID-19, many volunteers sacrificed their rights to stay peacefully as normal people to support front line officers in delivering medicine, driving patients, or supporting individuals in quarantine time. Catastrophe could not stop them from contributing. We observed that many volunteers involved in supporting residents in affected areas of disasters.
The brave spirit of volunteers has constructed uncountable social initiatives that have great impacts on millions of people. Once again, SONTA Foundation wishes all of the volunteer joy and peace.